
Frequently Asked Questions

Our team takes your success as an influencer, content creator, blogger, and business owner to heart. We know you have questions and we’re here to help. Below you’ll find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about our online courses and programs.

Don’t see your question below? Shoot an email to community@createherempire.com and someone from our team will assist you.

General Course Related Questions

My account

How quickly will I get access to the course and community?

As soon as you hit “Enroll” and process your payment, you’ll receive INSTANT access to the entire course and instructions on how to join the Facebook community! *pops bottle of champagne*

How long do I get access?

Forever. Seriously, forever. Well, until the internet dies or Elon Musk creates something better….

Can you combine both of my courses under one email account?

Yes, we can combine your courses into one account. Please email community@createherempire.com with your request and we will have your courses merged under one email address.

How do I access my course?

You should have received a “Welcome Email” with the log in details. Please check your spam/junk/promotion folder just in case it landed there. But since you’re already here, you can sign in to your student dashboard here: https://learn.createherempire.com/users/sign_in

I purchased a course but haven’t received anything?

Don’t worry. This could be because of a typo in your email address. If you’ve purchased a course but you’re hearing crickets, shoot an email to community@createherempire.com to confirm your email. Once you do, we’ll send you a link to access your course as well as a copy of your receipt.


How do I join the course's Facebook group?

You can request access to
- The Creator Bootcamp™ Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theigbootcamp
- The Blogger Bootcamp™ Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blogemailbootcamp
- The Online Course Bootcamp™ Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tocbootcamp

I submitted a request to join one of the course Facebook groups and the request is still pending.

Team CHE is working hard to review & approve your Facebook Group requests. Please allow up to 3 business days for our team to get you in as our working business hours are Monday through Friday. Still not approved after 3 days? Check your Facebook messages. Our admins will reach out to you if there is an issue with your request (don’t worry, they’re minor).


When are payments due?

Your payment is due every month if you are enrolled in the course with a payment plan. Payments are automatically processed on the credit card you provided (so make sure you update your card information if anything changes).

Is the price of the course(s) in USD$?

Yes, the costs of all our courses are listed in USD$.

Can I get a copy of my final receipt?

Of course you can! You should receive your receipt in your email inbox immediately after your purchase. Can’t find it? We’ve got you. Send an email to community@createherempire.com and request a receipt and we’ll send you a copy.

How do I see my previous payments or view my payment plan?

To inquire about your payment plan, please reach out to customer service and they will provide you with information about your previous payments and payment plan..

My payment didn’t process and my course isn’t working?

If this happens to you, It’s possible that you need to update your card. Please send an email to community@createherempire.com requesting to update your credit card information and we’ll take care of the rest.

Is there a Paypal option for the payment plan?

Paypal payments are only available for the one-time payment option at this time.


How long does it take to see an income?

Your income and earning potential depends on the work and effort you put in. My courses teach you the strategies and knowledge to create content, pitch to brands, and land brand collaborations. However, having that knowledge alone isn’t enough to put money in your pockets. The good news is that the strategies and know-how are right there in the course for you. How soon you start making money depends on how consistent and persistent you are when implementing these strategies.

Do the course strategies apply to those who live outside of the U.S.?

Absolutely! We have students across 59 countries (and counting). These strategies will teach you how to identify and reach your target audience and target brands, no matter where you are in the world!



The Creator Bootcamp™ Course Questions

What if I don’t see myself as an influencer?

I get it! The influencer label isn’t for everyone. Feel free to call yourself whatever you want — a creator, an online expert, a social media celebrity. This job is for anyone who has a passion and a knowledge of an industry that they want to provide value in. Period. The rest is just semantics ;)

But I’m in a different niche, will I still see results?

Yes, absolutely! Even though I’m in the travel niche, the strategies inside The Creator Bootcamp™ work for all industries like:
- Fashion + Lifestyle
- Food + Fitness
- Wellness
- Travel
- Small Business Owners
- Art + Design

I don’t know if I have time for this. How long will it take me to complete?

You get all the course content delivered at once so you can go-at-your-own-pace. Go ahead and take 7 days or take 7 months - it's all up to you!

Do you offer any refunds?

The Creator Bootcamp™ has an industry-leading <.5% refund request rate, so we are confident that you will see results. However, if for some reason the strategies in The Creator Bootcamp™ don't work for you, just show us your work within 30 days, and we'll happily refund 100% of your purchase. You can read our full refund policy here.

How much support will I get?

Inside The Creator Bootcamp™, you’ll be supported by thousands of other bootcamp members who are out there growing and monetizing their Instagram just like you. On top of the highly engaged community, you’ll also be supported with The Bootcamp Community Mentors. Their job is to answer your questions and keep you on track to hit your goals.

I have more questions about the course… Who can I reach out to?

I'd love to clear up any questions or concerns you have! Send an email to community@createherempire.com and we'll get back to you.

Is this just another Instagram course that won't actually help me?

There are a lot of Instagram courses out there that don't teach strategies that actually work because they're taught by people who haven't actually grown a large audience themselves or that don't actually earn a full-time income from Instagram alone.

So listen, I get why you would think that.

By here's why The Creator Bootcamp™ is not only different, but is the most highly-rated Instagram course out there:

First, it's taught by a full-time influencer. I didn't just guess and Google what to put in this course. Everything in The Creator Bootcamp™ is what took me three years to learn.

Second, it's not a "here's how to grow" or a "here's how to create great content" course. It's an "everything-you-will-ever-need-to-know" course.



The Blogger Bootcamp™ Course Questions

Wait. So who is this course for exactly?

The Blogger Bootcamp™ is for you if you’re saying “relatable!” to any of these...
You’re a newbie to the world of blogging, and you don’t know where to start. What’s a plug-in? How do you get traffic? What should you write about? Which platform should you choose? How do you monetize it? OMGGGGGGGGGG, teach me all the things!

You’ve got your blog set up already, but it’s getting less traffic than a ghost town. Where are your followers? Where are your sponsors? Why isn’t anybody repinning your stuff? You’re invested in this blog taking off — you just don’t know HOW!
You’re an influencer who’s tired of relying on the whim of the algorithm, and you wanna build an audience you “own” on a platform you have control over.

You’re creeping on this page from your 9-5, wondering how you can turn your passion into a thriving income and your hobbies into a full-time career. You think blogging miiiiight just be the ticket outta here, but if you’re gonna do it, you want to do it right.

What platforms will I learn about in The Blogger Bootcamp™?

I’ll be teaching you to use Wordpress, ActiveCampaign and LeadPages because they’re the best of the best. However, all of my strategies apply to all software platforms. If you don’t want to switch over from what you’re currently using, there are resources in the course that will help you do the same tech stuff on platforms like ConvertKit or MailChimp.

I'm not in the travel niche. Will I still get results?

Yes, absolutely! Even though I'm in the travel niche, students in The Blogger Bootcamp™ are in all industries like:
Fashion + Lifestyle
Food + Fitness
Small Business Owners
Art + Design

Do I need a blog to be successful after taking the course?

You do not need a blog to be successful after taking TBB. However, having a blog will significantly increase your earning potential from brand partnerships. It’s also advisable to create a platform and audience that you own 100% of. While you can make up to 6-figures or more as an influencer, there’s undeniable benefits to having a blog and email list of your own.

I'm like, very busy! How much of a time commitment is this?

You can 100% go at your own pace. You'll also have lifetime access so you can go at snail speed now, then get more serious later. There are a ton of quick wins in here, so even if you hop in and implement one thing this month, you're way ahead of the game.

Do you offer refunds?

My courses have an industry-leading 1% refund request rate, so I’m confident you’ll see results. However, if for some reason the strategies in The Blogger Bootcamp™ don't work for you, just show us your work within 30 days, and we'll happily refund 100% of your purchase. Please review the full refund policy here.

My audience is 12 people, including my upstairs neighbor and that one guy I went on a Tinder date with. Is this course for me?

YES! The Blogger Bootcamp™ will teach you how to grow your audience - even if that audience is literally zero right now. Every blogger you can name started in the same exact place: the bottom. The ones who rose to the top? They know the information you'll receive inside The Blogger Bootcamp™. And soon you will too ;)

I’m not thinking of launching any sort of online course, digital product or physical product. Will this still help me?

YES! That’s just one part of the course. The main point is, if your money is coming from something you don’t own (INCLUDING an Insta platform, YouTube channel, or even a regular ole day job), I really want to get you away from that! This course ensures that you find raving fans that actually want to hear from you and more of your stuff gets seen! It’s also going to help you up your prices with brand collabs. It’s going to help you create financial independence on your own terms. Feel that? That’s the sweet breeze of freedom, my friend.

I took The Creator Bootcamp™ already. Should I take this too?

SO MUCH YES. This is a completely different course that’s going to help you access untapped potential in your biz. The modules are completely different and we’ll be focused on growing your blog and email list — not Instagram for this one. It’s the perfect next step after The Creator Bootcamp™ and it’ll open up more opportunities for your brand (like new avenues for income!)

I’m still living the cubicle life. Will I be able to juggle this with my 9-5?

Yup! If this is you, I particularly want you in this course. Once your blog and email list gets going, this combo can be what really gets you outta that lifestyle you don’t love (depending on what you want to do inside the online space). Growing your blog and email list can happen faster than you think. But even if you imagine it taking a while, you need to start now so you can slowly build. And don’t worry, it doesn’t take a ton of time to stay consistent. Think like one 30 - 45 minute post per week. And for the course, this will take maybe an hour each week to take in the info.

This is a big investment for me. Is it worth it?

Anything I teach is the same tried-and-true strategy that got me to where I am.
And my guess is if you really want a freedom-based lifestyle, you’ll put in the work (that desire doesn’t go away and for me, it made me do anything!) Just follow the instructions and show up to your brand every day. If this doesn’t at least open you up to what’s possible, I have a 30 day refund policy for this course. You can read the full refund policy here.



TheOnline Course Bootcamp™ Course Questions

Wait. So who is this course for exactly?

The Online Course Bootcamp is for you if you’re saying “relatable!” to any of these...
- You’re a freelancer who is offering her skills to clients, and you can convert all of that genius expertise into a course. Let’s say you do custom branding packages. You could release a course that teaches students how to put together their own branding, allowing you to serve more people … and continue to raise your prices on your done-for-you service

- You’re a coach whose income is capped by your time. The Online Course Bootcamp will show you how to give your clients the same transformation but on a massive scale by launching a course you can sell from now until the end of time

- You’re a content creator, but you don’t have a passive income stream yet. You think courses might set you free, but how do you choose a topic? Also, how do you sell it over and over again? Ooh, and where do you find buyers? OMG, ok, yes, teach me all the course creation things please!

- You have a blog and/or a poppin’ Instagram with a small and loyal audience. A course would be a surefire way to monetize, but you’re new to the whole “online business” thing. Maybe you even attempted to launch a course or small product before, but— and this is just between us — the only people who purchased it were your extra-supportive best friend and a complete stranger from 2 time zones away. That’s not gonna buy you a soy latte, much less fund the lifestyle of your dreams. It’s time to launch a course the right way.

- You’re a day job warrior with a 9-5 and a side hustle … and that side hustle needs to earn you enough cashola so you can hand in your resignation letter (preferably on your own company letterhead).

- You have major insight into your industry, and you want a revenue stream that doesn’t rely on you. No more 1 to 1 time required. Just free-to-soar, scalable income with zero caps on your income or your schedule (Mmm, sweet sweet freedom!)

What platforms will I learn about in The Online Course Bootcamp?

I’ll be teaching you to use Thinkific, ActiveCampaign, LeadPages and WebinarJam because they’re the best of the best. However, all of my strategies apply to all software platforms. If you don’t want to switch over from what you’re currently using, there are resources in the course that will help you do the same tech stuff on platforms like ConvertKit or MailChimp.

How can I be sure that I’m gonna create my course? Is it really possible to do that inside this program? 

If you’re committed to running a freedom-based biz, then you need to be committed to launching your first course. The Online Course Bootcamp makes it 100% sweat-free.
This program is as plug-and-play as possible with a timeline, calendar, assets, and allllllllllllllllll the resources you need to not just start your course launch but to full-on slay it.
I made sure that nothing was missing, and nothing was left to chance.

I love to learn! How long will I need to wait before I can watch these trainings?

Your course modules will be released on a weekly basis, and your 3 live Q&A sessions with me happen throughout — after you’ve had time to devour the trainings, dive into the homework, and leverage your bonus library.

Do I need a blog to be successful?

You do not need a blog to be successful. However, having a blog can significantly increase your earning potential depending on your organic traffic. It’s also advisable to create a platform and audience that you own 100% of.

First time course launcher here! Will I get results?

YES! If your income is tied to Insta, YouTube, or even a day job, you need a revenue stream that’s exclusively yours. The Online Course Bootcamp gives you a way to do that with the knowledge you already have — meaning you can go from idea to full-fledged course faster than you can say boo. I’m also walking you through how to evaluate the metrics of your first launch, so you can launch to even more sales the second (and third and fourth) time around.
Inside this program, you’ll find everything you need to create, launch and sell your first online course…and keep selling it on repeat. #hellorevenuemonthaftermonthnicetoseeyou

Ooh, Christina, my schedule is full. How big of a time commitment is this? 

If you’re busy, then you REALLY need The Online Course Bootcamp. Selling an online course frees up your time in a way that a 9-5, side hustle, or client-based business never could. It truly has unlimited income potential — freeing you up for SoulCycle, Nordstrom trips, traveling to Italy, writing a book, getting a manicure…essentially every. single. thing. you want to do that isn’t related to work. Your course is an asset you can sell over and over and over and over.

We are also giving you everything you need to succeed, like plug and play templates for ALL your sales emails, ALL your opt-in pages and sales pages, and ALL your social media. (Sorry, copywriters! Won’t need to hire you this time!)

Beyond that, you’ll receive beautifully designed LeadPages templates for your sales page and webinar opt-in page, as well as gorgeous slide templates for your webinar and the course itself.

Thought that was it? Not even close! We know creating an online course is time-consuming in itself, so we’re also including a social media calendar that tells you exactly what to post before and during your launch to rev up your audience to buy — and a purse-full of Instagram and Instagram story templates too. I’m even bringing in my Online Business Manager to teach you about efficient course creation, saving you even more hours of work.

In short: The Online Course Bootcamp is a one-stop shop for course creation success.

You can also take this program 100% on your schedule, and you have access to the content forever. Start today. Come back to it tomorrow. Once you join, it’s always available to you, babe.

Whatever the opposite of “Technically talented” is, I’m that. Can I seriously launch my own digital course?

Not only can you launch it — it’ll be much simpler than you expect. Especially with your 3 months free inside Thinkific! Thinkific is my favorite hub for housing your online course modules, worksheets, and bonuses.
I’m also including an entire suite of plug-and-play bonuses, templates, and tech tutorials that make sweating the tech a thing of the past. Plus, you’ll have access to the Bootcamp Mentors inside the exclusive community Facebook group — as well as the other women inside the program — so if you ever do get stuck, we’ve got you covered.

Do you offer refunds?

My courses have an industry-leading 1% refund request rate, so I’m confident you’ll be thrilled AND transformed by what you learn inside the program. However, if for some reason the strategies inside The Online Course Bootcamp don’t bring you results, simply show us your work within 30 days of enrolling, and we’ll happily refund 100% of your purchase. You can read the full refund policy here.

The population of Antarctica is bigger than my current following. Can I honestly launch a course with an audience so small?

Oh, you are not alone. Every day I hear from students who want to know which comes first: the course or the audience. It’s a very chicken and egg sitch. The great news is launching a course actually *grows your audience.*
The Online Course Bootcamp teaches you how to launch your course to your current audience — whether that’s 1,000 or 100,000. I do recommend having at least 500 people in your audience already for this course. (Not sure if that’s you? Add up your social media following and email subscribers.)
Here’s some fun math to play with. The typical conversion rate is 1-3%. If you have 1,000 followers on Instagram, and you sell your course for $200, that’s a $4,000 launch … the first time around. And the more you market your new course, the bigger your audience will expand. This means you can start where you are today — and still keep on growing tomorrow too.

I’ve taken The Creator Bootcamp™ and The Blogging Bootcamp™. Should I round out my digital education and take this one as well?

Absolutely. Once you have an evergreen platform (like a blog) and/or a social media platform (like Instagram) under your belt, the next step is to monetize what you’ve built. An online course can help you do that.
The modules and content inside The Online Course Bootcamp are so fresh and so new that you simply won’t find this information in any of the other Christina Galbato courses. This program will catapult you forward into a new level of income, impact and influence — and support you in serving your audience in a new way. (A way that gets you paid!)

How long do I have access to the content?

How does forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever sound? ;) As a member of the course, you will receive automatic access to all future course updates. To go a step further — you’ll even be able to offer us feedback on how we can make the course better. We’ll listen!

I’m still living the cubicle life. Will I be able to juggle this with my 9-5?

Yup! If this is you, I particularly want you in this course. Once your blog and email list gets going, this combo can be what really gets you outta that lifestyle you don’t love (depending on what you want to do inside the online space). Growing your blog and email list can happen faster than you think. But even if you imagine it taking a while, you need to start now so you can slowly build. And don’t worry, it doesn’t take a ton of time to stay consistent. Think like one 30 - 45 minute post per week. And for the course, this will take maybe an hour each week to take in the info.

Um, I’m a tad nervous about the investment. Is it worth it?

I understand. Investing in yourself can often be a lil scary. Here’s my promise to you: Everything I teach is the same tried-and-true strategy that worked for me, and The Online Course Bootcamp is no exception.
I wasn’t always the CEO of a 7-figure business — but selling online courses helped it happen in a few lightning-fast years. Of course, my success isn’t what you’re curious about, is it? You want to know if these strategies will work for you.
Here’s my advice: Devour the first module. Do the work. Leverage the plug-and-play resources. And watch your own results pile up. If you decide this isn’t for you, I have a 7-day no questions asked refund policy. You can read it right here.
